I’m a Teaching Fellow and PhD Student (submitting thesis) at QMUL EECS, advised by Gianni Antichi . I’m also working with Brent Stephens at Utah/Google. My interests center around computer systems at data centers. Before starting PhD, I was a Research Associate at NUS advised by Djordje Jevdjic, working on memory management for data center applications. I also spent 3 months studying the feasibility of using virtualization to increase the availability of electrical grid controllers advised by Jean-Yves Le Boudec at EPFL.

I did my undergraduate and master’s at IUST in Iran, working with Mohsen Sharifi, where I spent two years as a Research Associate. I think his lab is one of the best places in Iran to get to know about systems research and learn to see the world from Computer Systems lens.

Selected Publications (all pubs)

Scalable and Effective Page-table and TLB management on NUMA Systems
B. Gao, Q. Kang, H. Tee, K. Chu, A. Sanaee, D. Jevdjic
USENIX ATC 24, Paper, Talk, Code

Backdraft: a Lossless Virtual Switch that Prevents the Slow Receiver Problem
A. Sanaee, F. Shahinfar, G. Antichi, B. Stephens
USENIX NSDI 22, Paper, Talk, Code

Morpheus: Domain-Specific Run Time Optimization for Software Data Planes
S. Miano, A. Sanaee, G. Retravi, G. Antichi
ACM ASPLOS 22, Paper, Talk, Code


Reconciling High Accuracy, Cost-Efficiency, and Low Latency of Inference Serving
M. Salmani, et al.
MLSys workshop @EuroSys23 Paper, Talk


Postgraduate Supervision Final Project (10 students) – Spring ‘24 and Summer ‘24
Compilers - Spring ‘24 (Teaching Fellow)
Distributed Systems - Spring ‘24 (Teaching Fellow)
Undergraduate Supervision Final Year Project (8 students) - Fall ‘23 and Spring ‘24
Big data analytics - Fall ‘23 (Demonstrator)
Distributed systems - Spring’22 (Demonstrator)
Distributed systems - Spring’21 (Demonstrator)
Big data analytics - Fall’20 (Demonstrator)


SOSP’19, AEC Member (Artifact Evaluation Committee)


What am I currently working on?

I am currently collaborating with Anuj Kalia and Ilias Marinos on userspace networking stacks for Cloud.

Some thoughts

Useful Graduate School Stuff